After much searching I found the answer. There was a reference to what happened on another blog. A message was written on the Picker Sisters Facebook page
"NOTE FROM ADMIN!!!: Lots of you have asked about the return of Picker Sisters, and we appreciate your loyalty.
We have also received questions about the store location.
To answer the first question, both Tanya and Tracy are pursuing their goals and working on independent projects. As of now, we know of no plans to resurrect the show.
To answer the second question, the store was a pop-up store andall of the items have been sold so it is no longer in existence.
Since we will only be contributing from time to time, we would like to turn this fan page into a place where our loyal fans can showcase their projects. Please feel free to post pictures and descriptions of items you have obtained and/or re-purposed. Also feel free to post questions about picking so that others may respond. We will be monitoring the page and will remove any inappropriate material.
Thanks again for your loyalty to the show and good luck with all of your picking projects!"